What Makes Words With Friends Different Than Other Games?


Wordle is an online word game where you get to see all the words hidden in a picture. You can then create a word cloud or share it with people via Twitter, Facebook and more.

But what if you want to play a real-time version of this game against your friends? Well, there’s a new app that may be just for you called Word Fight.

In the app, you choose a picture and then each turn you have to type a word that describes the picture. The person who types the correct word first wins. It sounds simple enough, but I’ll let you know how it works after we’ve played through a few rounds.

Download: Word Fight (Free) from homepage.

What’s different about Word Fight

First off, Word Fight is a little bit more complicated than Wordle because it includes all kinds of additional features. Here are some of those things that make it unique:

You can share your created word clouds on Instagram and Twitter.

The app also lets you add tags to your words so that when you search the web, the pictures will come up with the most popular words from your games.

It has a built-in leaderboard so that you can see who is winning and who is losing at any given time.

There are four difficulty levels — easy, medium, hard, and super hard.

If you don’t like playing one-on-one, you can set up tournaments between two players.

So, let’s see how it plays out.

I started the game by picking a picture from the “nature” category. When it finished loading, I saw my opponent was already typing away. He had chosen a picture of a red fox running across the snow.

When he was done, I took over, choosing a photo of a cat sleeping under a tree. I typed away quickly because I wanted to beat him to the punch. Then, on his next turn, he went back to the same picture again, which made me laugh.

This continued throughout our game and, as it turned out, we were both pretty fast typists so we kept going back and forth until finally, I won the game.

Now, that wasn’t the easiest way to win the game, was it? That’s why I thought I’d give you a few tips on how to improve your chances of winning the game.

How to Win Word Fight Games

The first thing you need to do is try to pick a picture that is close to the theme of the game. For example, in this particular game, I chose a cat instead of a dog because cats are better at hiding from their enemies.

Next, you should always choose a picture that doesn’t have too many colors. There’s no point in having lots of colors if they’re all similar shades of gray. If possible, avoid choosing a picture with multiple objects because that’s harder to describe using only one word.

Finally, don’t choose a picture that’s too large. While bigger images might look cool, they take longer to load, which means you might end up losing before you even start.

These three steps should help you avoid being crushed by other Word Fighters. Now, let’s go over some specific tips for Word Fight.

1. Play Words Against Yourself

At times, you may find yourself playing a game against someone else, but not sure whether you’re actually playing against them or not. To solve this problem, you can play against yourself. This way, you’ll always know for sure that the letters you type are coming from your own brain.

To do this, open Word Fight, press the “Start New Game” button and select the “Play Self” option.

2. Play Your Favorite Categories

One nice feature of Word Fight is that you can save individual categories so that you can always access them later. There are a lot of fun categories, such as animals, food, sports, holidays, countries, cities, etc. So, you can always jump right into the category of animals and play a game whenever you wish.

3. Set Up Tournaments

If you want to play against other players, your best bet is to set up a tournament. All you have to do is invite another player to join the game. Once they accept, everyone gets to vote. Every time you lose, you have to wait five seconds before you can vote again. When you win, you get to vote again immediately.

4. Use Tags

When you create a word cloud, you can tag your words so that you can search the web for related meanings. In fact, the app has a great feature that allows you to search the web for a single word, but also shows you all the related words in one list. It’s very convenient if you want to see all the meanings associated with a certain word.

To use this feature, click on the word in your word cloud and then click on the “Tags” icon that appears in the top left corner. From here, you can either create a new tag or edit an existing tag. Just type whatever comes to mind and hit enter. Repeat these steps for every word in your cloud so that you can easily search the web for the meaning of every single word in your game.

5. Start a Tournament Between Friends

Even though you can play Word Fight against strangers, it’s often easier to play against friends. That’s why I recommend setting up tournaments. Simply invite your friend to participate and start playing. Whenever you both make a mistake, you can switch turns.

Once you become familiar with the game, you can also play against strangers.

6. Share Your Wins With Others

If you’re feeling particularly good about winning a game, you can share your achievement with others. Click on the “Share” icon in the top right corner of the screen and then select “Tweet.” You can now tweet your victory directly to your followers.

7. Save Your Word Clouds

Another cool feature is that you can save your word clouds. To do this, simply tap on the “Save” button in the bottom left corner of the screen and you’ll be able to access them anytime you want. You can then share them with your friends or post them on social media.

8. Learn More About Word Fight

While I haven’t gone deep into the actual strategy behind winning Word Fight, there are plenty of articles and forums dedicated to the topic. A quick Google search should reveal them. Also, the developer, Etsuko Miyakawa, offers a bunch of online tutorials at her website.